Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy birthday week Griffin

We begin discussing Little G's April birthday in November. He always knows what he wants for Christmas, and can project future needs nearly 6 months in advance. He always needs more legos and always more money. Here is his birthday wish list to prove it... this list was lovingly generated to ease the distress of my January panic over what he might like to have, well before his brother and sisters February and March birthdays threaten to steal his thunder. You'll notice the request for cash as his preference over gift cards, quintessential Griffin. My boy is not afraid to reach out and get what he wants, so he does. He does not settle. He is not talked down from even the most ridiculous schemes and notions, insisting that there is indeed a thriving market for reselling 2$ polished rocks we picked up in North Georgia for 75$, or opening his own gym/ RV/ ferrari lot. When I begin to discourage him, I remind myself that at any given moment, Griffin usually has more cash on him than I do, so who am I to question his business sense? Where his money comes from..I couldn't tell you, but he always has some.

Even though this was a very low key birthday for him, it has managed to spread it's wings over the span of an entire week, and he is not done yet. We went to Medievil Times for dinner... and then had birthday cake with the family. He got an electric guitar and plenty of cash that he has insisted on carrying everywhere we go and flashing at friends and strangers, and two cans of Axe body spray. His request for this was not flavor specific but I chose "Instinct" which is reminiscent of rare leathers, and "Dark Indulgence" which is as tempting as chocolate. We are fighting off the ladies big time.

It has been a complicated week in our house, full of sick tummies, meltdowns, ear infections, long days and sleepless nights and we are all just exhausted. Griffin and I both needed a day to decompress, so being who we are, we reached out and took one today. We went for a run at Hobgood Park together, and the birthday money burning a hole in Griffins pocket began to scorch him in the parking lot. I deflected his offers to spoil me with Starbucks and told him we should go straight home and come up with a game plan. We discussed our options and decided we needed some chips and queso and some shopping and sunshine. He instructed me to put on my red dress, and to not worry about wearing too much make up or fussing with my hair. Griffin always has a plan.

Loading up in my red dress he reminded me of my famous Versace sunglasses that I purchased with money I saved up back in 2007, and lost less than a year later. He watched me pine over them for months, and wanted me to have them even more than I wanted them. He is always reminding me about those sunglasses and how someday he is going to buy me a new pair. He is very serious, and very concerned about me not having what I want, and vice versa.

First we went to Honeybutter boutique where he offered with nearly every breath to buy me everything I glanced at. I told him to save his money for something special for himself. He disagreed but put his money away. Then we hit Seven Arrows which is an Indian themed gift shop, where he bought this sweet knife for $39.50...
we made our way down to Pennybag Emporium where both of us went gaga over all the one of a kind finds piled on the shelves. I found a big chunky yellow vintage bracelet that was a must for my summer plans, and the happiest little flower and lady bug ring... which of course, my darling son bought for me. I will cherish this little 8$ treasure for as long as I live. He bought some "foreign coins"...
and a manatee necklace for himself, and put back the money clip and the golf bag lapel pin...

We held hands crossing the street to Pure where we shared some chips and queso and talked earnestly about his stellar report card, his staunchly Republican views on Obama's terrible job in office so far, and his intent to return to Seven Arrows immediately to purchase the arrowhead necklace that had begun haunting him soon after the server brought out his Sprite...but also made a point of telling me how special this day was to him and how much he loved me, something I am not ashamed to admit, I desperately needed to give him and to hear. Happy Birthday week to my sweet sweet boy.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I love Griffin so much :0) And Grant. And Sweet Sara. ((((((Melissa))))))))
